The Void (I) (2016)
A Return to Practical Effects
9 April 2017
"The Void" has been compared, quite a bit, to John Carpenter's 1980's remake of "The Thing", and understandably so. The use of practical effects in this movie are really its highest selling point. Like "The Thing", this film does not shy away from showing you some extremely well crafted and effective monsters. However, to compare this film with "The Thing" for reasons outside of practical effects, does not make a lot of sense.

In short, "The Void", is well worth a watch. If the trailer interested you, the movie will absolutely deliver. In a recent rash of indie horror films, "The Void" stands out for several reasons. In many of the recent indie horror films, there is usually something glaring that needs to be overlooked in order to make the film enjoyable. Whether it be poor acting, loose plot lines, or an over abundance of things that attempt to shock, many recent indie horror titles have been held back by mediocrity. "The Void" as a sum of its individual parts its a well crafted and enjoyable ride that I would feel comfortable recommending to most horror fans. The special effects are easily its highest selling point, but the film is held together by a decent story line and fair acting. The characters are believable for the most part, and the story does a good job explaining the necessity of the effects.

Where the film falters the most however, is in its lack of atmosphere. The film feels as if it should be claustrophobic and isolating, but for some reason, I was unable to connect with these themes. I am usually an advocate for a movie telling less to the audience, in order for the viewer to create some of the more frightening aspects in their mind, bu with this particular film, I was left wanting more exposition. Unlike the original "Hellraiser" film, "The Void" did not leave the origins of the monsters creation completely unexplained, but the origin story was a little to vague, and it made it difficult to connect as deeply to the conclusion of the film as I may have liked.

Overall, "The Void" is a good movie to throw on for a horror movie night with some friends who enjoy some good over the top gore and monster effects.
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