T.T. Syndrome (2002)
The budget was so low that none of the actors got paid
6 April 2017
I'm searching online for last hour and I find only negative reviews. I gave fair chance to negative argumentation and I absolutely disagree with all those reviews that underrate this movie. I saw it on the big screen when it was released and I left theater under strong impressions. 15 years later after watching it again on my computer I still have the same opinion. This is a great movie. Of course, it is not a masterpiece of cinematography, but which slasher horror is... This movie is important as first real Serbian horror. Many domestic movies have horror elements, but this is first completely horror movie. And within slasher horror genre it is excellent. Good story, strong acting, original ambient, and the overall atmosphere is perfect for this kind of film. To this day no movies came even close to this one, except maybe "A Serbian Film" (2010).

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