Weak finale for a disappointing season
3 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry if this is too long, i don't write much reviews but i had to do it for this one... if you want the short review of this just scroll down to the final conclusion(+/-)

Last season's finale had the potential to be the best episode of the walking dead and that ending(before the cliffhanger) was terrifying, had perfect horror elements: the woods, whistling was creepy as hell, main characters on their knees, 0 chance to escape, that one dude with a chainsaw, and they messed that up perfectly with a sweet cliffhanger!.

anyone else thinks they did the same stupid thing as they did last season?? or am i the only one to notice that?? - oh lesbian doctor gets killed in an ambush, 1 episode later Daryl goes to "avenge" her by going after them even tho there are lots of them and probably waiting to see if anyone comes back and WHAT A SURPRISE they DO come back, yelling and arguing in the very same location where they fought not so long ago, like 12 hours before. = dumb writing for the story line where they get "caught" by the saviors

same thing this season, oh i'm Ro-Si-TA-H, i'm a bad b-1tch i want to kill Negan and Sasha will help me, but instead of playing the assassin role I,Sasha the sniper girl will not wait Negan to come out later and shoot him from the safe distance, that's dumb! I BETTER run into their base like a headless chicken... yeah that a great plan!!! = same dumb writing for the story line where she gets "caught"

okay lets get to this episode... this season was supposed to be full of character development and this build up to a war right?but deep down we all know that s7 is slow and dumb and lazy in writing = disappointing

but we expected a BANG for this finale, episode was mostly alright for the 40 minutes if we exclude boring flashbacks, come on if you gonna bring the dude back at least make it interesting or funny not boring as hell... shoot out scenes were executed so badly i don't know how that managed to slip away when they were editing that....

How did they sank this low in directing?? they really don't care anymore do they???, i want everyone who reads this to re-watch that fight again(if you didn't DVR'd it or something you can probably see it on YouTube, i'm sure someone uploaded it) and tell me i'm wrong, there was at least 10 ways Carl/Rick could've been wounded/shot by saviors, please watch that again even in slow motion to SEE HOW BAD IT REALLY IS, well at least 80% of it.

i really loved Shiva there, that was nicely done, she saved that episode a bit

my final conclusion: i feel like this episode should have been longer, more talking with Dwight, more preparation, more dialogues between Rick and Jadis to spice up the twist a bit more, and more fighting.

+ Shiva

+ Maggie and Sasha flashback to s5 when they were watching the sunrise

+ Maggie's narrating speech

+ Garbage people twist(predictable but at least they did that right)

+ set up for a much bigger war

  • poorly executed fight(possibly the worst one in this show)

  • cheesy(or as some would say "cringy") King Ezekiel

  • all the build up this season, for what??? ... a ~10 minute fight?

  • short length for this kind of episode

  • very V E R Y predictable ending where kingdom comes to save the day

i give it a 4 only because of Shiva and Maggie's speech

as i already said this season is the lowest point in this show but there were still memorable episodes like: 7x01, 7x03, 7x08, 7x09 and 7x15

this show became way too predictable, there is no suspense anymore, stuff to let us wonder(except Heath and Sherry), no horror element, violence was toned down for season 7(after like the first 2 or 3 episodes) this season is the lowest point for the show, i hope it recovers, i really do
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