Killer App (2017)
Don't Let This Movie Steal 83 Minutes Of Your Life!
2 April 2017
The film starts out with a three minute advertisement for the fake company, Titan, and it pretty much goes downhill from there. The whole movie was visually irritating to watch. The camera people were clearly lacking the proper equipment to keep their camera steady, so there was a lot of very slight, yet still all too noticeable wobbling. The main actress appeared to have neck or back problems throughout the first part of the film. At first I thought maybe the character was supposed to be sick or handicapped, but it was just a lot of unnecessary stretching and neck rolling on her part combined with the poor camera work. Some of the dialogue was poorly enunciated and difficult to understand. As if that wasn't enough, there was a lot of unnecessary use of split screen and stock footage, they kept doing this stupid static thing that was really annoying, and the various computer animations they used were just flat-out bad.

All the technical downfalls of the film could possibly be forgiven if the story was any good, but it's not. Jessie is a pretty unlikable character from the start and the story is so jumbled and mucked up with static, split-screen nonsense and bad animations that it is hard to follow everything- much less actually care about anything that is happening. I will definitely not be watching this movie again, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
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