Review of Within

Within (2016)
2 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Completely predictable unimaginative yawner that MIGHT scare a group of 10 year-old bored children. Doubtful, but you never know.

Dad, stepmom, and a "I've-got-the-red-ass-for-no-apparent-reason" teenager move into a "haunted" house, which isn't haunted at all. As soon as the movie starts, you know something isn't right about this just can't put your finger on it. Cue really creepy neighbor, who the numskull dad allows to install new locks. I won't go any further, but you'll be able to figure this one out.

First, this movie is NOT scary as the director manages to build no tension. Even your average "jump scares" don't usually work here. The script needed MAJOR revisions. Here, the police are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine, and nobody wakes up when a stranger decides to rest over them in bed.

The movie is rated "R" and should have been PG-13. There is nothing much here for anyone. If you want to see a really scary movie, I suggest "The Blackcoat's Daughter." Otherwise, if you'd like to be put to sleep, this is your picture.
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