Review of Clues

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Clues (1991)
Season 4, Episode 14
Data as Hal 9000
2 April 2017
I've gotta admit that my hopes weren't all that high with the tired Dixon Hill opening, but 'Clues' surprised the hell out of me.

There's something very understated about this episode - it being confined to the ship and all - and yet, it's one of the most nail-biting episodes of the season. First off, it's a killer premise: a wormhole knocks out the crew for 30 seconds, leaving your favorite android unaffected . . . but what if Data's lying? And each subsequent clue just hits at something ever more sinister.

The payoff is classic Star Trek and really hits on humans' overwhelming thirst for answers, or at least Picard's zeal for a good whodunnit.

And that's exactly what this is: a fine mystery indeed.

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