Review of CHIPS

CHIPS (2017)
Peaks and Valleys
24 March 2017
Sometimes I have a hard time rating movies, and more specifically comedies. Because comedies generally try to do nothing other than make you laugh, it's easier to let plot and character development (etc) slide, as you might not with other genres of movies. This is the typical R rated comedy of this day and age - over the top, raunchy comedy that focuses mostly on human anatomy jokes. If you hate those movies, avoid it at all costs. If you like them, then you'll probably like this.

At the screening I saw this at just about everyone after the film was talking about how they liked it, and there was certainly a lot of laughter in the theater throughout the movie.

This movie had a few moments of truly laugh out loud hilarity, outside of those few moments the rest of the comedy was there, but it was pretty generic.

Look, you know what type of movie this is (raunchy comedy). If you go to the theater and drop your $ and don't like it, that's on you.
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