Shots Fired (2017)
Unbearable, Poorly Written, Agenda Driven Trash - SPOILERS
23 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
From the moment the "shots" were fired you know this is poorly written and directed. Shots fired; viewer does not see the shooting, only hears the shooting. Shot by only black cop on what turns out to be an all white sheriff's department that rapidly is exposed to be corrupt rednecks. Black DOJ attorney dude and black female investigator arrive in town, each find themselves sleeping with someone the first day on site the Grey's Anatomy of justice. Fake faker fake female black pastor with strange hair style similar to prophets of Baal espouses social justice theology bad enough to even embarrass Al Sharpton ... enough already! After all the ads about this being a provocative and powerful mini series its just another poorly done piece of agenda driven trash.
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