The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Christmas Show (1991)
Season 2, Episode 13
This is the episode where the Carlton Dance was introduced
21 March 2017
Even though I've seen this episode a million times, it was today (March 21, 2017) when I watched this episode on disc three of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air season 2 DVD, that it really hit me that the Carlton Dance was introduced to the world back in 1991.

And Carlton did the dance out of nowhere. Ashley was dancing and then the camera panned to Carlton doing his famous dance by himself and then he moved the dance to near the front door of the Banks' rented cabin.

It was that scene and then season three where Carlton's character really started to get popular.

For an actor that is as talented as Alfonso Ribeiro is, it's kind of messed up that most people remember him because of the Carlton Dance. Because at the end of the day, Alfonso Ribeiro can act his butt off!!!
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