Review of Twin Suns

Star Wars: Rebels: Twin Suns (2017)
Season 3, Episode 20
A big highway to nothing
20 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ezra starts getting premonitions again and instead of remembering the last few times this happened ,when it was a trap set by maul,he instead goes off half cocked yet again. It's never established how he suddenly knows that his previous vague vision of twin suns is now suddenly narrowed down to tatooine?? He announces he's going there to save obi wan kenobi (how he suddenly knows his hiding place is another mystery)nobody seems to question how he knows this all this from some whispered holocron voice.Worse still nobody is surprised by what should be a stunning revelation. Its like they've all watched the star wars trilogy and were just playing dumb for dramas sake. He goes there has a few pointless adventures and meets obi wan who tells him to go as maul arrives.The two combatants then spend about two minutes staring at each other across a camp fire.After a spectacularly anti climatic one second fight scene it ends .Thank god for that
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