Review of Colony

Colony (2016– )
Let's play....tick the TV script boxes!
17 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yes folks! Sit down and let's check off the sins of this particular, by-the-numbers show.

1. Brooding, perpetually angry looking hero...check! 2. Call it a scifi show but actually have very little scifi to show...check! 3. Annoying and superfluous family drama that dominates the runtime...check! 4. Glacial pacing to ensure that nothing actually ever happens...check! 5. Constantly suggest something more interesting will happen, but never actually get to it...check! 6. Annoyingly try to make human politics interesting...check! 7. Make as many of the show's characters as annoying as possible...check! 8. Have obligatory teen angst and drama tacked on...check!

I could go on, but you probably get the idea. The family drama just never lets up and overshadows the occupation setting horribly. I still don't get why it is felt necessary to shoehorn this dynamic into shows that really don't require it.

If you were hoping this show would be a stirring tale of the rise of the resistance and fighting back against alien oppressors, then think again.

For the most part, the aliens remain unseen and aloof, only sending in their hovering drones when absolutely necessary. Which is fine, but it leaves most of the antagonist work to be done by humans. This sounds good in theory, but in reality...

Remember all those old films an TV shows, where they didn't have the money to show aliens, so they used the plot device of "they can look like us!" as a cop out to have aliens, without having aliens?

Well, Colony feels like that. Except, they aren't aliens that look like us. They are us! We're the aliens in this scifi drama. It may be that this was the intent all along... to show how much scumbaggery we are capable of to our fellow man, but it just seems cheap.

If the story was better, or actually had a plot that progressed from week to week (a la The Expanse) then I might forgive this lack of scifi and aliens. But it doesn't. It just plods along with all the alacrity of a comatose snail.

Think I'm being unkind? Well, how is this... I'm on episode 10 of season 2 and all that has happened since the beginning of season 1 is...

The family recovered a son and (gasp in surprise!) they have discovered the aliens (which haven't been seen yet) have an ulterior motive in rounding up the human population.

That is literally all that has happened of any consequence since day 1 of the series. Beyond that, all that happens is a lot of hand-wringing over decisions that never amount to anything and the ongoing, utterly mind-numbing, never-ending family drama.

It's scifi, for people who don't watch scifi.

SUMMARY: Plot that never moves along, annoying characters, tiresome family drama. The show's conclusion will undoubtedly vie with the heat-death of the universe for the most long-awaited event that no one will ever see.
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