Iron Fist: Snow Gives Way (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Uninspired, poor script
17 March 2017
I've seen a lot of people complaining about Iron Fist for casting a white guy in the lead, so putting ALL THAT ASIDE, here are all the technical reasons why Iron Fist was bad.

At the very best, the script is a 4/10. It's full of bad dialogue, bad exposition, tonal inconsistencies and a tonne of soap opera moments which all fall flat. None of the characters in Iron Fist feel like real people, especially Danny, which is a huge disappointment. But I can almost forgive a lot of that because in the hands of the right director and actors, it can turn out alright. At the very best, it can be pure popcorn entertainment. As is turns out though, the acting was terrible and the direction likewise. I really wanted to be able to defend Finn Jones for all the heat he's copping in the media right now, but I just can't. I don't usually like to single people out because it feels rude to say, but he just doesn't bring any finesse to the role and he's not a very good actor. The supporting actors aren't great either. In fact, they're pretty bad, especially the actor playing Ward. I thought most of the female actors were okay, but then again they didn't have a lot of scenes so who knows.

I've been trying to piece together what was going on in John Dahl's mind because the episode he did for Jessica Jones ,"AKA Sin Bin", was great, but for his pilot episode of Iron Fist he dropped the ball. I have a theory too that maybe John Dahl and the rest of the cast were expecting the show to be edited together with a much faster pace which would account for the unnecessarily drawn out takes and mismatched "comedic" scenes and dialogue, but then again the shot set up is too poor to purely blame the editing department for not being able to efficiently move the story forward.

And now: the action sequences. The reason why the now famed "Netflix-Marvel" fight scenes have worked so well, especially in Daredevil's case, is because they were all used sparingly, with proper motivation to propel the story in a meaningful way and to establish the characters further. The action sequence between Danny and the security guard henchman was cheap, and that's the only way to put it. It was almost as if the person writing the script said to themselves "Oh yeah, gotta throw in the token action sequence".

I was really disappointed in this one. If you're craving a Marvel action show, stick to Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. Or if you're in the mood a billionaire playboy coming back with a vengeance, go watch Batman Begins or Arrow because they did it a lot better.

In summary:

-Bad script (characters, dialogue, exposition, pacing, tone, it was soapy)

-Poor directing that didn't build suspense or establish a world for the characters

-Horrible acting all around

-Token action sequences were meaningless

-Lacks originality, and the concept has been done a lot better by other shows/movies.

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