Pretty good drama, but cringey improv. Not funny, but not bad.
12 March 2017
Hi film makers. Here a free tip. Never make movies about people that are supposed to be funny, and then show what is supposed to be funny. No actor ever, ever ever ever, manages to make that not cringe worthy. They come close here, but maybe as close as anyone ever will be.

Here the thing: We see a lot of improv comedy, and it is supposed to be funny, and the audience is laughing because it's funny. (in other words, we are told that is funny or not) Here's the problem: we get to see what the audience is seeing and it's NOT funny. That really takes me out of it. And even if it WERE funny, we would know it was probably scripted, and scripted improv, well that's not very funny. (I realize the improv scenes a probably a blend of script and not, any-who, it not funny)

Let's say you made a movie about the worlds funniest joke. It would be a lot smarter to not show the actual joke and just let the mind wonder about it. As soon a you show the joke, well, it ruins it, because chances are it's not the funniest joke ever. See?

OK. With that said! Most of the improv seems quite natural though, and the acting is good. I didn't find the movie very funny, but I think where it shines is in the drama. Because this movie has some pretty good, heart felt points about human behavior. It's got some tense scenes, and quite a few times it hits quite close to home. (At one time I was like: wow, that character is me. NOT gonna say who)

I sort of wish they had solved the improv-thing in another way, by maybe not showing so much of it, or making it supposed to be cringey. I don't know.

It's a sad movie, not really a feel good one, and that's good.
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