Supernatural: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox (2016)
Season 12, Episode 6
Don't miss the reasons why this episode is good
11 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A Hunter's Wake draws in Jody and the boys and of course trouble ensues.

Minor spoilers in this review: This isn't a big plot-arc episode. And it's also not a new and interesting monster case ep. It's not particularly big on the humour. So you might wonder why I gave this episode 7 stars? Well the answer is simple, this episode is full of great human-elements that give nice depth to the Supernatural universe. (1) We hardly ever get to meet hunters who aren't directly working with the boys, and I loved the idea of Hunters sitting around gossiping telling Winchester Legends. (2) We get nice insight into the depth of the boys relationship with Jody, how she has assumed a mother / moral-support role for the boys, and we love her for her reaction to the whole Mary situation. (3) The episode also gives a tiny bit more information on what's happening with Mary and how it's effecting the boys. As many of us are still trying to figure out what's going on in Mary's head. (4 - Minor SPOILER) There is also the moment where Dean magically dives through the door to save Sammy, causally rolls to his feet and says "where's my brother?", that scene was perfectly devised and perfectly delivered, showing our boys bond at its best. I had chills combined with a little squeal of glee. Conclusion? Not every episode can be big bangs and major story arcs but that doesn't mean that the odd episode that makes our beloved characters more 3D is not as equally important. I'm not saying that the episode was perfect, there were a fair few holes in the actual story with the Demon (a few time I shouted at the TV "Christo!" Or "What about your tatts" or "Come on its just a crossroads demon") but although that side of the story was sloppily handled in places, I felt it wasn't the point of this ep. So I will appreciate this story for what it meant to deliver: the human-element. And look forward to next week for more story-arc or better baddies.
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