I did not enjoy this film
8 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film was about how the main character, Tuya divorces her husband, Batoer, and is forced to make a better life for herself and kids with a new man. She faces conflict when she is offered a new life from two men who want her: it's either a wealthy old friend who promises to give and pay for anything she needs, or her lonely neighbor who proclaims his ultimate love for her, who has just left his wife. Personally, I did not enjoy this movie one bit. It was slow, confusing and the plot behind it (I found) was plain and silly. If it were not for the fact that this film is Mongolian and the cultural differences, I feel likeI have seen this plot over and over again in many other films. Although it was interesting to see their way of life, I found this film more like a documentary than a movie. I was not impressed by the actors all that much, but I thought the kids were really cute. This film confused me a lot in terms of what was going on, but I noticed there was a lot of alcohol, which surprised me since they seemed to live very naturally and off the land. I also noticed that during the day and while the characters were going about their everyday life, they wore baggy, plain and neutral colored clothing (probably mostly to keep warm)!! The only times they were color were in their headscarves, and during the ceremony at the end! I found this cool, since obviously color and fashion is important to them when going to important events, like it is for us. I wouldn't have guessed them to just all of a sudden dress up in nice colors, fabrics and jewels, since I was so used to seeing at the characters in grays, blacks and browns. At times I felt bad for the animals because they were so heavily depended on, and didn't seem to get much love; but on the other hand, this was their only way of life, and animals are not looked at the way we look at them in the US.
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