Review of Allegiant

Allegiant (2016)
Wauw that was bad
4 March 2017
After seeing the first two movies of the franchise I had pretty low expectations for this last one. The only surprising aspect about it was that even with these extreme low expectations it managed to disappoint me.

If you don't turn it off half way trough it will probably bore you to death. The underlying story in the movie has been chewed up and spit out so many times that you can guess what will happen next ten minutes in advance and the final 'revelation' of what's behind the wall and what happened to put it there in the first place in neither exiting nor interesting. It's actually pretty stupid.

The lead is extremely annoying and cliché, her boyfriend is a little less annoying but just the fact that he willingly likes to be called four (yes like the number) makes me want to kick him in the face. There is no tension between them, I don't feel for them, if they were to break up or die or disappear i could literally not care less.

Don't waste time on watching it, the movie will robe you of two precious hours of your life that you can never get back.
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