Review of Logan

Logan (2017)
Intense and heartfelt, the best X-Men movie, A+++
3 March 2017
I'm not even sure where to start or what to say with this review, so I'll try and keep it short and sweet. I really want to scream GO SEE LOGAN NOW!!! Excitement aside, I'll admit that I'm not a massive X-Men fan, but I do love the Logan/Wolverine character and have seen all the other movies, and this was everything I hoped it would be and more. It's by far the best X-Men movie ever. I gasped, laughed and cried at various times and was completely blown away by it all.

I won't go into the plot too much or give anything major away. I will say that this is not the usual shiny PG type superhero movie. Things are dark and grim. Logan (Hugh Jackman) is at the end of his rope and it shows. You feel his pain and despair. The movie feels and looks different, but definitely a good different. The cinematography and locations give a real and apocalyptic atmosphere. The action scenes are intense, violent and bloody, and the heartfelt, emotional scenes are raw and touching.

Hugh Jackman, in his final performance as Wolverine, delivers without question his best performance as the badass, but scarred hero. He gives everything his got and more. I really can't say enough good things about him. Patrick Stewart, back as Charles Xavier, is wonderful as always, while newcomer Dafne Keen as the young mutant Laura is absolutely magnificent. Boyd Holbrook, as the main villain Donald Pierce, is simply awesome, and Stephen Merchant as the mutant Caliban is excellent. The only negative about the acting unfortunately is Richard E. Grant, who I feel is underused and forgettable.

There were only one or two minor things towards the end that I thought could've been a little different, but the intensity and honesty that comes through the screen is worth a 10/10.

The other people who were in the screening with me must've been just as captured by the movie as I was, since no one left the cinema the entire time. That's saying something! And when certain scenes happened, you'll know which scenes, everyone was silent. Logan is not to be missed on the big screen!
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