Review of Split

Split (IX) (2016)
The Return of MNS
25 February 2017
It's finally happened. M Night Shyamalan has returned to form after being dismissed as a has-been,following several mistakes like After Earth,The Last Airbender and The Happening. He's made an incredibly enjoyable thriller with a very limited budget. James McAvoy is fascinating in a tour-de-force performance,bringing to life a character with 23 distinct personalities,and a soon-to-be-unleashed 24th. The film has a very good tone and flow,with nail-biting tension that really gives us a throwback to the start of Shyamalan's career. I hope he keeps it up in his next film too. He's never been as good with the ending as he has with the incredible setup,and this one suffers from that too,but in the end,there are a lot of positive factors that make thus a memorable experience. The uncredited cameo at the very end is jaw-dropping,and highlights the possibility of a sequel. I can't help but think that film could be a good one too. Welcome back Mr. Shyamalan.
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