This movie will change what you put on your plate, for better.
25 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Just WOW. This documentary is such an upgrade from Forks Over Knives. It has all my favorite WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) doctors and experts. The professional interviews and editing give this film a really nice touch. I couldn't wait for it to be available online for free so I rented the digital version and watched it. Worth every penny, I wish I could've ordered the DVD but unfortunately the shipping expenses to the UK were huge. Well back to the film. It's a masterpiece in my opinion, I have watched many documentaries such as Cowspiracy, Forks Over Knives, Merchants of Doubt, Food Choices, Unity and more. It is long (which in my opinion is good) but the film flows quite naturally. Some scenes are really emotional, a few people interviewed were people that have had their life saved by a whole food plant based diet, in a way it saddens me that this isn't a default way of eating, it just shows how powerful the meat, egg and dairy industries are, alongside the pharmaceutical industries. Some celebrities are present in the film as well, like James Cameron and Samuel L. Jackson. This film and the upcoming What The Health documentary will make 2017 the year of the WFPB movement! Watch it! Your health depends on it :) Best wishes to anyone trying a WFPB lifestyle.
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