Kill Ratio (2016)
One of the Flat-Out Stupidest Action Movies I've Ever Seen...
23 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The last word that comes to mind while watching this movie is "intelligent" since nothing about the movie - and most especially nothing about the actions of any of the characters in this movie - make any sense at all.

First of all, the acting is bad, and the lead actor is just plain brutal. He belongs in local dinner theatre in some hick town in Iowa, not the movies. He's tall and has muscles though which is enough to get him cast in this dreck.

There are literally too many problems to count. Virtually every action the lead (a highly trained covert operative CIA agent type with a license to kill) takes, and every other character too for that matter, is just plain idiotic.

  • They have phones but can't just call for help? Or call the media? - The deposed president and the evil general and his soldiers all speak... English? Even to each other? And when she addresses her country? Why??? - He won't shoot the bad guy in his room because the noise will attract more bad guys, so he fights him... but then tries to shoot him like 10 seconds later anyway? - He kills a soldier in his room, chases the bad guy down the hall and dives head first down the laundry chute after him - they basically crawl out of the chute at the bottom (pretty sure laundry chutes go straight down and they'd be injured/dead), continue to fight, he knocks the bad guy out and then... just leaves him tied up on the laundry room floor? So any of his men will find and free him (which happens), even though based on the body there he knows bad guys come in there? He already killed the other bad guy, why not kill this guy too? So stupid. - The girl he slept with then literally threw out of his room, dumping her stuff on the floor, is killed (predictably) and he can't even bother to close her eyes? He just leaves her dumped in the laundry basket and puts dirty laundry back in her face? Unintentionally hilarious - but still just plain stupid. This "hero" is a huge knob. "I'm sorry." No. No you're not, knob. - Apparently the decorative medieval swords coat of arms in the hotel lobby is... actual, sharpened swords that anyone can pull out at any time and fight with? Really? - The general kills the bellhop in a sword fight (that alone is stupid) to prove a point or something, but miraculously the guy's head has not really been cut off, there is zero blood on him, the general or the floor, and none even on the sword? - When people are shot the CGI blood is just ridiculously bad. Like, made with whatever free editing software comes with a Mac bad. - I guess the first boring sword fight was so great they decided they had to have another one, but when he gives the general the sword why doesn't he just stab/kill the president since she is still the only person standing in his way? - The president goes on live TV (again - if she only needs to prove she's alive couldn't she have used one of the THREE phones they had to just call a radio/TV/newspaper and be done with it?) and says "hey I'm alive and the general is taking over the country" then the hotel workers all say "hey she's alive, so you soldiers aren't soldiers you're CRIMINALS!" and then pick up brooms and mops and arrest the soldiers. Laugh out loud stupid. First, they already know the soldiers are criminals, they're wearing masks and holding them hostage and killing their friends (one beheaded with a sword for no reason)... second, why do the soldiers just say "ok, we give up, come take our guns" instead of just shooting them, when they've already killed and raped other people? Complete nonsense. - When the bad guys are conducting a floor to floor search, why put the dead body is a laundry cart and try to move and hide it? Just dump it down the chute or put it in a random room or toss it out the window or just MOVE TO A DIFFERENT ROOM. - The title "Kill Ratio" doesn't even make sense... he has an "unlimited kill ratio?" Really? What does that even mean? Is it supposed to be like an unlimited kill LIMIT, because that would at least make logical sense. Also, he doesn't really even kill that many guys. - There's about a million more things but I'm tired of thinking about this awful film.

It sounds like it's "so bad it's funny" but really it's not even good for that. If you want to laugh at a bad action film check out any of the newer Seagal movies, "Kill Ratio" is just plain awful.
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