Toni Erdmann (2016)
Long, but worth your time
22 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What is to like:

Pacing of the film, neither are you bored nor do you lose track of the events.

Conversations and interactions seem very natural, almost feels like you are there, with the characters (at least to me).

Contrast between quirky, fun-loving and non-pretentious father and his ambitious, sometimes too serious daughter. Development of their relationship and dynamics throughout.

The main female character (the daughter). Not the persona, but the way her character is written. In the beginning only a small portion of her life is shown, but somewhere in the middle of the movie, the first impressions of her change, which leaves you even more interested.

The main character*s (the father) humor and unexpectedness. A man who is the biggest liar in the film, but somehow the most honest.

Funny moments that appear during uncomfortable or serious moments and which catch you off guard.

Many other things.

What is to mildly dislike (kind of):

The usual *it doesn*t feel like an ending* ending. This film could have ended in many different ways and still be believable. This was just one of the possibilities.

Not much more.
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