A great start of season 10
12 February 2017
First of all whirly brains it wasn't as good as mermaid pants but it felt like pranks a lot but with better animation sponge-bob has been getting a lot better since Patrick the game so i will tell you why i loved this episode it had one of those bizarre plots just like season 1,2,3 and 4 then mermaid pants a bit i loved Dr negative that was my favorite bit of the episode and i'm hearing that there's a sequel in season 11 while patchy is returning in season 10 and so is spot so i think season 10 will be a very good season and if they could just show the new episodes on nick all the time then that would be brilliant so i'm hoping for more episodes like this in season 10 and i hope you confirm spot returns and mermaid pants II sponge-bob has been getting out of the hole it has been in these few years in 2015 they finally got out of deep deep deep hole they've been into i've always been a sponge-bob fan so i hope it stays that way these two episodes were really good so i am giving it a 10/10 it was brilliant.
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