Review of I Am Bolt

I Am Bolt (2016)
Like the lightning bolt, it ends all too soon
10 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The life story of the fastest man ever. Gives somewhat short shrift to his youth, but it documents his career. And most importantly, you learn about the man. They always say, records are made to be broken. Without drugs, I don't think that's possible here. He is done now. He will walk now into the light where legends go. But no one then or now, will ever be able to race the lightning bolt. No one did, and no one will. How do you put all that together? Family, the people around him, the willingness to work through injuries, the grueling training regimen? And stuff it literally like lightning into a bottle? Thats why there will never be another runner that will do what he did. This film illustrates that, quite profoundly. This was a 10 of 10. Both as a movie, and just as importantly, as a human being. People like this leave us all to soon, even while still alive. But like a shooting star, or, a lightning bolt, we are fortunate to have witnessed it.
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