A great example for many generations
5 February 2017
The film and its characters show differences of the younger generation from that time and now. Besides the important of the film and the impact of the characters, the film also compares differences of the generations in terms of planning and actions. In the film, we confront men who have the same goal, but are different in many ways. They did not plan or overthink as much as today's generation does. A well-constructed plan might be a good way to approach things, but the characters in the film went after their goals without over- planning and thinking too much. Their actions screamed their values, goals and ambitions. Breaking prisons to help escape the Jewish prisoners is one of the many great examples of their actions. And less planning, less words and more actions did, indeed lead to a Jewish state. At that time, the people involved in this spent more time working together as a team and with passion than planning cautiously and waiting for something to take place. They remained with their goal and completed it by not waiting and making a move. This is an off-guard topic or issue in the film, but it certainly differentiates the generation during Al Schwimmer's time than now. We tend to see differences in terms of planning and major events taking place during that time a lot more often. I think about college students today, who being the same age as those young men at that period time, I think about how much we procrastinate just about homework or the next exam, and we overthink ten times before writing the beginning of an essay.
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