Truly Great take on a classic Genre
5 February 2017
Man I am so behind the times - Why has it taken so long for me to see this movie?

Lets get the way as this film is EXCELLENT!

Samuel L. Jackson is HILARIOUS!

Colin Firth is simply Colin Firth but god damn does it work... I never had him pictured as an action hero but he pulls it off brilliantly!

The film is just plain enjoyable... It takes all the greatest Bond Movie Tropes and turns them into a thoroughly entertaining movie... While at the same time throwing a lot of real life questions into the mix... Not going to go too much into that as it would spoil the movie.

So for an Excellent Movie - Why only a 7?

Well, yeah there are bad points and here its the old classic of Shaky Cam... I can forgive it as this was 2014 and this was pretty much a staple of most movies back then, but it makes fight scenes very hard to follow.

The action IS enjoyable, but also somewhat too chaotic at times...

And some of the editing is DEPLORABLE!!! Why have 3 cuts when you can have 15?

No Seriously!!! Some of the action scenes cut between two different scenes up to 15 TIMES!!! The Church scene cuts between Samuel L. Jackson and the main fight over and over and over... And to be honest there is just no need for it!

With that said, its a brilliantly written comedy, and has a reasonably good pace... A must see if I am honest.
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