Review of Family

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Family (1990)
Season 4, Episode 2
Definitely One Of The Strongest Episodes
2 February 2017
This story was PERFECTLY timed for a release after the Borg crisis. It reminded us of humans' and klingons' superiority over the Borg in the form of three dimensional, sentient beings who aren't under the thrall of collectivized thinking. It also connected us even further into Worf and Picard's backgrounds. Patrick Stewart delivered a convincing and passionate note of closure (until "First Contact") about his traumatic Borg experience, which his character needed desperately and is probably why he visited his family in the first place.

Every every actor who was involved with this episode delivered well, including the guest actors who played Worf and Picard's relatives.

It's definitely a great start to season four.
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