DC's Legends of Tomorrow: The Legion of Doom (2017)
Season 2, Episode 10
The Legion
2 February 2017
For as much as this season has pumped up the 'Legion of Doom', the focus has yet to be on them. Up until this point, there has been no clear reason why these 3 guys (and potentially 4 with Captain Cold) are together. Luckily, this episode answered most of those questions, and then some.

The Legends took a backseat to the Legion this week as the team of villains attempted to torture information out of Rip Hunter, or Phil as he calls himself. Ironically, this provided for much of the episode's comedic relief and I liked seeing that side of Merlyn, Darhk, and Thawne. The dialogue felt a little corny at times, even veering into James Bond henchman level material, but it's not like I take this show all that seriously anyway.

The episode did its best to provide a reason for Reverse Flash randomly disappearing from scenes without explanation. It turns out, good old Black Racer Flash was on his tail at all times. That was quite the pleasant surprise, I just hope we don't get an unnecessary cameo from Teddy Sears, who never seemed to find his groove in this universe. So yes, I'm very glad that the explanation was provided for Thawne's disappearances, but I feel like it kind of took away from the intimidation that he brought to the table. In fact, I have no doubt that everyone will make it out alive this season and the Legion be easily put to rest. But that could change once we finally see the Legion working together instead of bickering.

The other major plot point came from Stein as he needed help from his highly skilled daughter all while breaking the news of her aberration. It was only a matter of time and figures it would be Mick to 'accidentally' break the news. Even if the Legends are just a "bunch of idiots", it was nice to see some grounded and heartfelt material from one of them. Overall, it was another enjoyable week of Legends led by fun, even if sometimes goofy, scenes from the Legion.

+Great look into the Legion's dynamic

+Thawne reveal

+Stein & his daughter

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