The Flash: Dead or Alive (2017)
Season 3, Episode 11
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
31 January 2017
We've had episodes focused on Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Wally, and even characters from other earths. It's about time we get an episode focused on H.R. Wells. Gypsy, an earth-19 "collector" came after H.R. for disobeying their earth's most sacred law.

Episodes 10-13 in both Flash and Arrow's many seasons have often felt filler and unnecessary to the plot in the long run. While 'Dead or Alive' didn't involve Savitar in any tangible way, there was enough here to zoom right by anything missing from the god speedster's presence.

So with the presence of a female antagonist, it was only a matter of time before Cisco started pining over her. It's rare that I buy into a romance on this show or any other CW show, but I dug the Cisco-Gypsy dynamic. Of course, in typical fashion, she leaves him wanting more at the end of the episode. But in retrospect, she served her purpose well in a sci-fi bounty hunter kind of a way. Cisco got a little love and H.R. was provided with an opportunity to expand on his history on that earth. Sadly for him, looks like he won't be making a trip back there anytime soon. Does this mean Tom Cavanagh will be playing H.R. for the rest of his time on The Flash? Or is there yet another version of Wells for him to play next year?

Iris had her own mission tonight in thinking that it could be her last few months on earth. I have to admit, I once again think Candice Patton did a nice job acting, but I felt her character's arc was something her that would have been done in the first two seasons. Foolishly putting herself in harms way and stealing useful evidence from the police department won't be in her greatest hits. I did, however, get a good chuckle out of her conversation with Joe involving "adding a new family member with Barry". It's just one episode, but I'd like to see her character make a more consistent impression, especially if she will be meeting her end in a few months.

Not a whole of progression in the overall arc of the season, but it was far from a filler episode, at least in my eyes. A solid sci-fi battle between two meta-humans in Cisco & Gypsy and some focus on H.R. helped make this another enjoyable entry into season 3 of The Flash. I'm really starting to like this approach of having this season focusing on a self-fulfilling prophecy.


+Focus on H.R.

-Iris being clumsy

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