Austin, P.I.
30 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A pretty conventional episode, "Eyewitness to Murder" is a solid representation of the show. It is strictly no frills but avoids the outlandish scenarios and plot devices of most SMDM offerings.

Steve witnesses an attorney getting shot outside of a restaurant and gets a glimpse of the shooter through his bionic eye. Turns out the killer was after the victim's boss, a crusading DA who is after a powerful crime lord. Oscar and Steve are enlisted to protect the DA for a short period and ferret out the assassin before he strikes again.

Steve puts on his gumshoes and some snazzy 70's leisure suits to fulfill his mission. Along the way he rips the door off a cab, avoids being run down by a pickup truck in an alley, and sprints through downtown Los Angeles (?) before thwarting the assassin's plan.

The twist to the episode is that the shooter, John Hopper, was apparently in two places at once and no one believes he could have been positively ID'd as the gunman. In a somewhat Hitchcockian plot device the only witness to the assassin's identity is Steve, who can't reveal his bionic gifts to anyone and therefore cannot reveal why he is so positive Hopper is the man.

Gary Lockwood guest stars as Hopper; he gives a pretty cold-blooded performance as an unstoppable hit-man who is confounded by Steve's ability to finger him. Lee Majors is solid as usual and, in addition to his usual array of 70's outfits, sports a pair of tinted glasses for much of the action. Plus we learn he likes his coffee black.
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