Dead on arrival......
28 January 2017
In spite of its good casting choices, I Am Not A Serial Killer, fails to impress.

This is a "dead on arrival", B grade horror thriller, that appropriately starts and ends in a morgue. Its a film that's short on both horror and thrills. Its pacing is far, far too languid to really hold even the most patient of viewers attention. This is exacerbated by a rather gloomy, austere atmosphere that permeates the whole film, further sucking it dry of any kind of vitality and energy.

The casting choices are good and for a low budget flick the acting is for the most part, pretty decent. Its simply a shame the script for this film was not more energetic, infused with pace, dread and a sense of foreboding.All key ingredients in any decent scare fest.

Four out of ten from me.
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