Adam & Evil (2004)
Cheap post-millennial slasher cheese.
24 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A group of young adults head to a remote campsite in order to unwind. But what they don't know is that somebody with a grudge to bear is planning to get their revenge over an incident a few years before where an entire family died in a prank-caused house fire. One by one, the friends are killed, a Roman Candle firework left behind as a warning for the survivors. But as the friends cotton on to the plot, they find that there are plenty of people they need to keep an eye on.

The independent horror film industry has really taken off once the millennium arrived – seemingly anyone with a cheap camcorder, a small budget & an idea can make a film, usually roping in their friends to keep costs down & have a good laugh over it. I have seen an awful lot of such films & while there are some hidden gems amongst this crowd, the sad fact is that most of them don't fit the expectations of the audience.

Adam & Evil is a cheap slasher film that follows the time-worn plot of the original Friday THE 13TH almost to the letter, only without a summer camp for a location. Instead, director-scribe-producer Andrew Van Slee has decided to make the cheapest FT13 knockoff he can. And sure enough the results emerge as disappointing.

The main problem is that slasher films, while matching zombie films for ideal films to be made on the cheap, have dated badly as a concept. While zombie films have endured because of their evolving nature, slasher films have become pretty much obsolete. There is nothing in the slasher that can be taken seriously these days or not seeming like a cliché. This subgenre hit its stride back in the early 1980s – more than 30 years ago. Since then, it has dated badly & now slasher films are nothing more than cheap cheese that will only be useful for a good derisive laugh.

The film's story is almost complete cliché – one-dimensional characters, paper-thin plot, plenty of guessing on who the killer is (although to be fair, the killer's identity was a considerable surprise, although the rationale for their killing spree was really lame), plenty of partying teens & drinking. Unusually for a slasher film, the sex & gore is kept to a minimum, which will further push the film to the B-film gutter. The actors do the usual rounds almost robotically & the constant kills will keep the pace going for a fair bit. Not exactly the worst slasher film around, but Adam & Evil is a piece of trash that will only be useful for having itself mocked & derided by the viewer, preferably Under The Influence.
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