Pictured by the same actors, mostly, about a year ago
21 January 2017
In this picture Van Dyke Brooke has produced again, but from a somewhat different angle, a story (by W. Hanson Durham) that was pictured by the same actors, mostly, about a year ago. It is a story of the Boer War. The battle scenes are good. There seems to have been a regiment of English soldiers in the cast and we are given a picture of one of those famous British hollow squares such as have won many a battle. Rapid fire guns were used and there is much smoke. Maurice Costello plays the lead with Miss Rosemary Theby (who, of course was not in the former picture). James Morrison plays the girl's brother whom the other officer takes for her lover and who, outside of the picture, has forged his father's name. It is a better picture than the former; but it fails to convince. It stands for its battle scenes and was probably produced again because of the chance of using British soldiers. - The Moving Picture World, August 31, 1912
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