Sherlock: The Final Problem (2017)
Season 4, Episode 3
Exceptional finale, and I enjoyed it
16 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
How can I describe this? Well, it was the edge of your seat kind of stuff. For the first time in awhile, I felt nervous for the characters. (Then again, I've been anticipating season four since it was announced.)

This episode is definitely a crowd divider. Some like it, some don't. It currently has a rating of 8.9, and I fear it will go even lower, which is quite undeserved. Allow me to go over the things I enjoyed most of this episode. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS.

Firstly, the acting is great, as always. Mrs. Hudson's character was delightful. The scene involving Molly was excellent. The idea of having Sherlock, Mycroft, and John deduct things together was awesome. Jim Moriarty's appearance was a sight for sore eyes. Even though it was a bait and switch.

Now for the negatives: This episode is relatively sloppy. There are unanswered questions, that weigh the episode down. Some believe the questions weigh the episode down to where it sinks, and touches the bottom of the ocean. For me, it is not THAT bad.

What we learn in this episode, is that Eurus is smarter then Mycroft and Sherlock, and can even manipulate people to do her bidding. (It's on the unbelievable side, but whatever, I guess.)

One of the things I loved most about this episode, is Eurus' character. The further the episode goes, the more we learn about her. Obviously, she's basically a genius, which makes her different. We learn she feels she has no one, because she's different, and was locked away. The sibling closest to her age is Sherlock, so she wants his attention. Sherlock doesn't give her the attention she wants, so she goes and hurts him, by drowning his best friend, who we learn is actually Redbeard. Sherlock's dad is allergic to dogs, but Sherlock wanted one. After his best friend, Victor/Redbeard goes missing, he changes his memory to "A better story". He made the memory of his best friend into a dog, most likely to deal with his grief or so. (A mouthful.)

Eurus is obviously insane. Her character begs the question, if you had so much intelligence, what would you do with it? Well Eurus just wanted a friend; someone to pay attention to her.

At the end, Sherlock learns of this, and gives her the help she needs. I personally think this was an excellent tale, and a decent finale.

I don't really know if this makes sense, but this is what I got out of the episode.

Most of the time, this episode baited us to believe one thing, and switched it up on us. Some people didn't like this, but I didn't mind it.

I don't know if it was very obvious, but this is almost definitely the ending of this show. The very end (which I found to be awesome, especially Sherlock visiting Eurus continually.) was almost definitely a conclusion, and an ending.

I may have viewed this episode completely wrong, but I don't care. That's just what I got out of it.

Anyways, sorry for the rather confusing review. I'll give this episode a 9.3/10.
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