Orgy of Big-Breasted Vampires
15 January 2017
Countess Dracula's Orgy of Blood (2004)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Padre Jacinto (Paul Naschy) is called upon to kill off some vampires. Flash forward to the present day and a couple idiots release these vampires and soon they are going around looking for sex and blood.

Don Glut's COUNTESS DRACULA'S ORGY OF BLOOD isn't the greatest film that you'll ever watch but at the same time it's got a little charm as well as one big reason for watching it but more on that later. This here is basically a low-budget film that offers up monsters in the background but the main feature is of course the simulated sex scenes, the big-breasted women and of course more big-breasted women.

If you're a fan of these softcore pictures then there's certainly a lot worse out there. I've always enjoyed watching Glut's movies and this one here clearly shows his love of the horror genre. The women are of course beautiful and there's plenty of nudity throughout. With that said, even that gets rather tiresome and the movie really drags at spots. Still, the main reason to watch this is for Spanish horror legend Naschy who appears in about seven or eight minutes worth of footage. Some might be upset that he wasn't the main focus of the picture but it's still nice getting to see him.
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