A soft spot for Taylor Cole that wasted 90 mins of my time again.
15 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Part 1 of my review is spoiler free, then part 2 have spoilers and i warn you when they start, so if you want spoiler free just read the first part.

I always loved Taylor Cole, ever since i saw her for the first time as a teen in that show call Summerland. I dunno, i had a major crush on her at the time and since she has not done that much over the years, especially in the type of movies or TV shows i like...well when i stumble across a movie where she is present a lot (unlike The Green Hornet where i didn't even knew she was in until i read her name) i have to watch it.

Thats why i watched that cheap slasher flick called April's Fool Day which was pretty bad and today this one. Oh what can i say about this movie? Well its about some kind of experiment that supposed to be link to paranormal, and then some ghost elements are thrown into the mix. Sadly the movie fail on every level. The plot is incoherent and boring, the movie is not even scary what so ever. The set and cinematography is so low budget it can't come close to scare anybody, either with atmosphere or jump scares. The music is also pretty bad for the few there is...

It consist mainly of the cast sniffing coke during the entire movie, to a point where even Tony Montana would had been impressed. After a start with some potential there is a sexy scene where the girls danced in there underwear and start making out that literally change the whole thing for the worst, believe it or not. Now i don't want to look ungrateful, Taylor and Rummer in there underwear for the majority of he movie sound pretty good at first, but thats like the only redeeming factor of the movie. Don't expect nudity tough, there is nothing visible.

Spoiler ahead. Spoiler ahead !!!! The rest have Spoilers !!

Oh well i wanted to write this review spoiler free, but never mind i will just click the box and say it. When the sexy scene happen, the movie become just a continuity of Rummer walking naked in the house, Taylor receiving oral sex and an incoherent mess of a story trying to cram itself into it. It try to somehow be clever, as in does Taylor's character is the one killing them, is this in her head, does they die of overdose, does there really the ghost of her long lost forgotten murdered sister, well we don't know. We got a scene at the end with Dominic Purcell making a cameo that pretty much explain they either died of asphyxia or the drugs. Even tough we see Taylor's character stab one of the dude, his body is not bloody or anything when the cops discover it. So as the audience we tend to go with the police reasoning, but then the "ghost" of the sister still voice over to the end credit... it kinda try to make us doubt. The problem is the way its presented. The movie barely kept me in with the sexy parts, and i think most of the budget got to the girls paycheck. The rest is uninteresting.

I think it sum everything up. I am not asking to watch a masterpiece of a movie when i watch something for Taylor. I would be satisfied with a college humour flick or something like that. But this movie barely escape the "ridiculously bad low budget" on the sole reason the blood parts are almost non existent except a couple rare scenes. Still does not save it from a mess of a story and cheap sets.
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