Review of Warhead

Star Wars: Rebels: Warhead (2017)
Season 3, Episode 14
Entertaining Enough Filler
14 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Ghost crew leaves Chopper Base in the hands of Zeb, aided by Chopper.

Wanting something other to do than take inventory with AP-5, Zeb and Chopper go investigate a possible meteor impact and find a mystery droid that is deceptively harmless. But soon the three finds themselves in a battle that may get blown out of proportion.

At this point in the season, already halfway in, as a viewer I expect more, yet we are given another filler episode, with a quick Thrawn tag at the end. The important events of the season can basically be boiled down to an an hour or so. The rest is entertaining enough, but there's barely anything built around it. The show has to build up to the events of not only A New Hope but also Rogue One, and now deal with Thrawn, and it's seems to barely move. And when it does move, at times it feels like we've already covered it in a previous episode.

And what is the big deal about Thrawn? So far his impressive abilities have been mediocre or higher critical thinking skills, and everybody seems to be in awe of what mostly seems like common sense ideas, such as -- in this episode -- narrowing down the search to a smaller group of planets.

It's fun enough and have some good exchanges between Zeb and AP-5, but don't expect much from it.
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