AC fan or not, this was a great action flick
9 January 2017
I'm admittedly not a huge gamer, but watched Assassin's Creed just because it seemed to be the best option out of the available selection, and I wanted to use my free movie tickets I got for Christmas over the holiday break. I went into the movie with no backstory, knowing nothing and had zero expectations. I had heard that the movie doesn't do the games justice, but again, this had no bearing on my judgment as I knew nothing about the games to begin with.

Assassin's Creed, evaluated on its own, is a great action feature. The action is intense, will keep you at the edge of your seat. CGI is well done. Props, setting, cinematography - all excellent. The plot was easy and straightforward to understand, considering that I'm sure in the video games it is much more complex. Again, as someone who's never played the games before, I feel like I understood everything and the concepts were relatively easy to grasp.

Fight scenes were excellent. Chase scenes were anxiety inducing but excellent. Overall, really good. I had zero expectations, and walked out quite impressed.

If you're looking for a good action movie in general, I'd recommend this movie. Even if you are a huge AC fan, I think it's also worth checking out to compare with the games, and to enjoy just as a movie overall.
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