Review of Sickhouse

Sickhouse (2016)
I guess all filmmakers have to start somewhere
6 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I remember a Civics teacher once telling us kids a story about a politician who was asked to speak at some local function that was about a month away. The politician asked how much time he would be allotted and was told he'd have about ten minutes, to which he replied that he'd better get started writing his speech. The other person asked him why the rush and the politician said that since he only had ten minutes, he was going to have to choose his words and moderate his time carefully. Having been in similar situations, I can tell you that doing so is not an easy task and requires a great deal of focus, which is something that was lacking from the Sickhouse offering. This work came across like a class project that still requires a lot of work and critiquing, not something that you'd end up charging money for.

If you are only going to take an hour to tell a story, and tell it well, you can't waste a lot of time picking up relatives at the airport and getting ready for parties and going to parties and dealing with a sick animal…

(Possible Spoiler Alert)

…and, as an aside, speaking as an animal lover, the episode with the kitten garnered more raw emotions from me than anything that happened at the sickhouse. I truly hope that what happened with that poor little animal was not real, because I have no sympathy at all for people who would stand there making themselves up for a party while an small, helpless kitten is crying, probably in pain… and taking it to a party as well?! It should have stayed in the animal hospital until it was over whatever was wrong with it, and then to just coldly inform the audience that kitty didn't make it. Oh, well…on to the next one. That arc just completely drained from me any sympathy I had for the group for the rest of the movie. You get the sympathy you give.

I mostly agree with the first two reviews so I won't rehash what they said. There's nothing new in this offering and what is there isn't done especially well and comes across as trite.

Keep trying, though; we learn by doing. Oh, and lose the vertical just ticks people off.
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