Everything about this just works
5 January 2017
'The Laughing Fish' brings back memories. I think this was the big move from weekday afternoons to prime time. And I fondly remember watching this in our kitchen that Sunday night.

And it's also one of the best TAS episodes, with the perfect blend of light and dark, theatrical staging and A-game animation. But I really like its sense of humor, which goes hand-in-hand with Mark Hamill's performance (and Arleen Sorkin's; they're both ideal here), and the plot is appropriately inane: securing the patents on his Joker Fish, it's just so absurd.

Every one of the gags lands perfectly, every one-liner is funny. I'm finding more and more that, despite the variety of Batman's rogues gallery, the Joker episodes are usually a cut above. They really knew how to write this character.

I thoroughly enjoyed this.

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