Its really just a well funded fan film
1 January 2017
If you want an opinion you agree with see it yourself.

But generally these are the few reasons why this movie may disappoint you. The lead cast member(s) are miserable, no fun, wouldn't wanna hang out with them. Lead actress shoots a look all the time like a girl friend who doesn't wanna just break up with you, but brain you with a rock. Cant remember a single characters name cause none of them were really interesting, except the father (weapons designer) and the blind guy. THAT WAS IT. I will say them bringing Deceased characters back into fully performing roles was actually insanely impressive. Those were the good moments of the film.

But Darth Vader, wow wasn't just bad, it was insulting. I think the adrenaline woke me up a little at this cartoonish, poorly scripted, wanna be of Darth. Here is a Tip. Darth Vader doesn't make jokes nor use puns. Its so off putting and ridiculous, I was wondering if James Earl Jones even came back for it, it was that far off.

Finally the score, spoiler alert it wasn't Williams scoring it, but you will find that out instantly. There was even a brief movement that was referenced to the arena scene score in Episode 2. Yeah, it was weird, and jarring, came off and on within one measure, didn't fit with the score before nor after. Right then I was saying, there is no way John scored this.

Unfortunately Disney does what it does best. Forget quality, just produce a product with a few beloved space ships, favorite props, and somewhat of a aligning plot to the original. Almost like they shove it in your face, "Here watch it, its star wars ain't it, see there is a spaceship on the box!" And you watch people just gasp and gape and say they love it. I'm like "You are watching the same thing I am." And trust me guys I really wanted to love it, I wanted to see more of the star wars universe, something a little different, something cool and unique. Just don't set your expectations at the J.J. level, just think of it as your friend down the street made a cool star wars fan film. It will be OK from there. But it getting a score of 8, only by people who literally love anything star wars...anything...at all...period
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