Review of Hot Shots

Hot Shots (1956)
Not just a commodity
31 December 2016
Stanley Clements and Huntz Hall and the rest of that Bowery Boys crew find themselves nurse maids to young Phil Phillips a precocious young kid who is a noted child star of a weekly television series. The kid tried to steal that famous Bowery Boys jalopy vehicle and he winds up their guest.

Once the studio in the form of Robert Shayne is convinced they did not kidnap the lad he brings them into the television studio as by now Phillips has grown kind of attached to Sach. The reason is very simple, the boys treat him like a kid instead of a commodity.

In fact that's just what he is, a commodity to his uncle and guardian Mark Dana. He's misinvested the kid's money in a lot of things including high maintenance blond Joi Lansing.

Sadly although a funny film with Huntz Hall doing low ball hijinks it's also too uncomfortably real. A whole lot of real life stories of kid stars don't end as well as this one does.

Stanley Clements tries his best, but the series just lost something without Leo and Bernard Gorcey.
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