Review of Travelers

Travelers (2016–2018)
EXCELLENT on a Believable Level
28 December 2016
I am in to Sci-Fi, Horror, etc., as long as it is on a believable level - that is, I don't like vampire, mummy, and monster films. Example: Incredible Shrinking Man: By some weird thing a man can shrink and battle insects; GODZILLA: can't happen.

TRAVELERS fits me perfect!

I can believe TRAVELERS. Not only that, the script and the acting is great - the acting is pronounced when one character turns into another. BRAVO! Fantastic sound, visual, acting, believability, YOU NAME IT. GREAT! Season 1 is 10/10 in my book.

To fill out the 10 lines: The TEAM DOCTOR is beautiful and does a wonderful acting job - it will be strange if she's not well known in time. The High School student - fantastic job! The Heroin Addict: great actor, skills shown on many levels. The school counselor: LOL Great!
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