Review of Sing

Sing (2016)
All Star Casted Films Shouldn't Get Off this Easy
27 December 2016
First things first, the singing was fantastic, comical, and enjoyable. Who knew that Taron Egerton had a voice like that? The film did do a good job of tying several different genres of music nicely to make this enjoyable musically. That is perhaps the only exciting creative part of this film.

The story, however, was bland, flat, and boring. I don't quite understand how they could have missed the mark. To avoid any spoilers, I can safely say that the story is quite predictable-sure, some things happen that you wouldn't be able to guess-but, from the very beginning, you know generally what will happen in the middle of the movie, and what will happen at the end.

Generally, predictability is typical of a children's film, which this is; although, it does play to the hearts of adults, by bringing in elements of the burdens of family responsibility and the stress of going into debt. However, in stellar children films, that predictability is out-weighed by brilliant humor, emotional connections with characters, and a feeling of sinking into the world of the film. Think of "Cars (1)," "Finding Nemo," "Toy Story," and "Tangled." Great films, general predictability, but an incredible script and a unique story line.

This film, though, misses on so many levels. The characters seem to have neat backstories, but there is no depth to any of them. You can only barely connect to the characters. It was so disappointing.

It's a good movie to have on in the background, but beyond that, it really isn't worth it. It really could have just been so much better.
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