Heebie Jeebies (2013 TV Movie)
He blow'd up REAL good
26 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When a movie is so badly acted do we blame the hack director or the D- list cast? It would be hard to pick out the worst performance in this cr@pfest. They all seem to talk like Canadians trying to sound like Southerners. It's almost worth watching for that alone. Maybe the actors were having a contest to see who could never get another audition ever again. And if you can't act you better be a knockout but beyond the lead female actress this is not the case here. In fact, the young blonde has a face that looks like it's made out of pieces from the Mr. Potato Head game. The story premise is actually half-decent but it's fleshed out by amateur screen writing that wouldn't get filmed as an episode of a third- rate X-Files TV knockoff. The monster isn't as horrible as other reviewers make it out to be, but that doesn't mean his movie is some kind of special-effect marvel. Actually, at one point a character is killed later in the movie and you'd swear it was an out-take from Farm Film Report on SCTV (anybody who remembers that show within a show will know what I mean when they see it). About halfway through I figured I'd finish watching it just for its camp value, which is why I gave it 3 rather than 1. The entertainment world would not suffer if anybody involved in the making of this movie were to never work again in the industry.
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