Doctor Who: The Return of Doctor Mysterio (2016)
Season 10, Episode 0
Enjoyable And Forgettable
25 December 2016
Okay it's Christmas time so let's tick off the checklist

Nice Xmas card from Bob The Moo ? Check

Ton of food from a kitchen I work in ? Much better than the food at the care home last year . Check

DOCTOR WHO Christmas special ? Check

Don't get your hopes built up about it ? Check

My enthusiasm if not my addiction to the show has become increasingly diluted over the years . This is entirely down to the direction of the show under Moffat and catching a couple of trailers late in the day I noticed thus year's special revolves around superhero mode . Well let's be honest and like them or not Super-heroes are very popular in popular culture but does DOCTOR WHO have to follow trends ? Especially since it has been rewriting icons from the show such as The Master played by John Simm all the way back to the RTD era as literal comic strip characters

That said this special remains rather low key compared to many of the other specials and overblown season finales . It's basically a run around type of adventure involving an alien invasion where the aliens have all ready landed and it's up to the Doctor and a masked hero to save the day . There's not much you haven't seen here before but one noticeable thing is that the villain isn't a White Anglo Saxon Protestant type . Foreign type dude wants to destroy New York in a big explosion . Don't worry about any controversy because it's a family show so that makes it all right

In all a relatively enjoyable though forgettable special . Of course it always helps that you're not expecting too much of a feast
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