Review of Wheels

Good Times: Wheels (1977)
Season 5, Episode 7
The awesome foursome
22 December 2016
"Wheels" introduces JJ's three friends Head (T.K.Carter), Poppo (Randolph Martin) and Cool Breeze (Larry Anthony Beecham), calling themselves 'The Awesome Foursome': "united we stand divided we fall, we're tired of them panty hose two sizes small, JJ, Cool Breeze, Poppo, Head, we're The Awesome Foursome until we are dead!" (though only Head and Poppo reappear in "JJ and the Boss' Daughter"). Bookman refers to them as 'The Dirty Dozen minus Eight,' but can't resist the opportunity to dump his 1954 pink and gray Desoto on the quartet for $200. Michael and Penny echo the same phrase: "you bought a used car from this man?" Willona won't allow JJ to drive any car without insurance, so Bookman's brother-in-law Mr. Taylor (Earl Billings) comes through with expensive coverage. All four begin fighting over who will be the first to drive it, while Bookman laughs himself sick.
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