Laredo: A Double Shot of Nepenthe (1966)
Season 2, Episode 3
The Manchurian Ranger
12 December 2016
Long before the Communists were turning Laurence Harvey into a controlled killing machine in The Manchurian Candidate Doctor Will Kulava slips Reese Bennett a Mickey Finn that turns him into a most agreeable and easily suggestible individual, a complete change from the irascible Neville Brand we all know.

This episode truly turns on Neville Brand and the reactions from all around him as he undergoes a complete personality change. It's all being done at the behest of outlaw Warren Kemerling who has hired Kulava so that Brand might kill Philip Carey whom Kemerling feels he has a score to settle with. In The Manchurian Candidate it was the Queen Of Hearts that did the trick for Laurence Harvey. For Brand it's a five dollar gold piece. His control mechanism keeps going off at the wrong time.

Fans of The Manchurian Candidate might want to check this Laredo story out.
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