Meet Clarence - An Angel With A Personal Agenda
11 December 2016
You know, at first I thought that this 1947 picture was a heart-felt story about good, old George Bailey and how he was driven (through certain escalating circumstance) to the absolute brink of desperation on Xmas eve.

But, I now realize that this film's Christian-driven story-line was actually all about a calculating angel named Clarence who wanted to earn his wings. And so - With that agenda in mind - Clarence is sent down from heaven in order to assist George Bailey. And if he does so this will put him in favour with god and allow him to earn his wings.

So, in other words - Clarence helping George has nothing to do with any apparent kindness, charity, or good will towards man - No. It doesn't - It's all just a selfish, self-serving act on Clarence's part to earn those wings that he covets so much.

And so - With that in mind - I think that this covetous scenario reduces this manipulative, little tear-jerker to the slimy level of showing us all just how hypocritical and pretentious angels really are.
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