"Houton, We've Got a Bunch of Family Problems"
10 December 2016
The fact that Apollo 13 was a disaster and the astronauts almost died in space is a commonly known part of our history. Much of this is because of Ron Howard's excellent film, as it's acquainted new generations of folks with this heroic story. However, long before this movie came out, there was a made for TV film about it...or, rather, kind of about it. While the film ostensibly is about the Apollo mission, it's much more a trite and soapy film about the folks on the ground who were trying to get the three astronauts back safe and sound. It's a shame, as these people were heroes...but in this story they just come off as silly characters and plot devices...almost like guest stars on "Fantasy Island" or "The Love Boat"!

While much of the story is set at Mission Control, so much of it takes place outside this NASA base...with one family crisis after another and the men are simply unable to deal with them because they must focus on saving the crew of Apollo 13. One guy (Robert Culp) has already had a coronary but remains on the job...and it might kill him. Another (Clu Gulager) is fighting a vindictive wife for custody of his son. Another (Gary Collins) is married to a hellish mess of a wife (Sandra Dee)--someone who would likely be diagnosed with a Borderline Personality and who does everything she can to undermine his work. And, finally, another (Steve Franken) is a devout Jew whose father is dying...and he cannot do what is required and expected of him.

The stories come off as very contrived and stupid. Many of these problems simply could have been solved if the men just screamed at everyone "The $^%# Apollo mission needs me, now $*%@ off and let me work!!!"....but this never happens. And, in the custody case, any sane judge would agree to a postponement and yet the film acts as if the man must choose between his son and saving the astronauts!! It's also, when you think about it, a very offensive film because it makes everything seem so trite and soapy! Surely the ground crew deserved better than this crappy film! One of the worst made for TV films I can recall...and I've seen a bunch!
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