Review of Snowden

Snowden (2016)
The rating is for the movie not for Snowden
10 December 2016
"Snowden" had received a 7.5 rating (when I checked in December 2016) and this meant for me: this one you must see! I am from Holland and off course did hear about Edward Snowden, what he did and also why he did it. But I did not know all the details. So I was able to see a high rated movie containing true facts from which you can learn something.

When watching the movie I noticed, unexpectedly, multiple talented actors right away like Nicolas Cage, Zachary Quinto, Joseph Gordon- Levitt, Shailene Woodley, Rhys Ifans, etc. So my expectations got higher. But the movie progressed really slow and I was waiting for the promised pulse-pounding and politically-charged thriller to start... the movie just did not really get exciting and certainly not pulse-pounding. Without the good acting and the true facts I would probably have stopped the movie halfway.

So why the high ratings from reviewers? When I read other reviews I notice people are writing about Edward Snowden and the bravery of his acts. I read that this movie had to be made to create more awareness. If I had to review Mr. Snowden and what he did then yes, I would also give 8 or 9 stars. But we have to review this Oliver Stone movie and it is just not that good. I rated the movie with a 6 only because of the good acting.
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